2024-01-08: Password Managers for Mac Users in 2024 We all have so many passwords to keep track of! If you’re still not using a password manager, make …

2022-12-16: The Very Short Intro to Mastodon This is a very short primer for people who want to move from Twitter to Mastodon. For most users …

2022-05-03: Wow, I’m super impressed with The Archive, a note capturing app using the Zettelkasten method. It’s …

2022-04-13: Notes on password managers I recently tried the Orion web browser. What makes this browser unique is …

2022-03-16: Hi! My personal details have been moved to this micro.blog in the About Me section.

2018-08-13: Hello, world! With The End Of Twitter As We Know It® coming later this week, it’s time to check out …